Aaron Chen MD | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Contrast enhanced ultrasonography for blunt abdominal trauma imaging in children | Pennsylvania | Computerized Tomography, Diagnosis, Emergency Department, Imaging | $241,217 |
Agostino Pierro MD | The Hospital for Sick Children | RIC-NEC Phase II Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial: Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Necrotizing Enterocolitis | Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States | | $497,546 |
Alex Claiborne PhD | East Carolina University | Prenatal Exercise Dose and Infant Adiposity (PEDIA) | North Carolina | | $26,750 |
Alexander Sandweiss MD, PhD | Baylor College of Medicine | Exome sequencing for the discovery of genetic determinants of pediatric anti-NMDAR encephalitis | Texas | | $26,750 |
Alexandra Griffin PhD | Cerebral Palsy Alliance | Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation for Children and Young People with Cerebral Palsy | Australia | | $26,750 |
Alexandra Keefe MD, PhD | Seattle Children's Research Institute | Detection of Hidden Variants in Cystic Kidney Disease Using Long-Read Sequencing in Serum and Urine | Washington | | $26,750 |
Alexandra Power-Hays MD | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Verifying Antibodies after Live Immunization Delivery (VALID) in children with sickle cell disease | Ghana, Tanzania, United States | | $26,750 |
Alison Nair MD | University of California, San Francisco | Mechanisms and outcomes in children with acute traumatic coagulopathy | California | | $26,750 |
Alissa D'Gama MD, PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | Precision Therapy Amenability Assessment of Pathogenic Variants in Infantile Epilepsy | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Alyssa Shapiro PhD | George Washington University | Validation of a low-cost icterometer for community-based screening of newborn jaundice in Pakistan and Tanzania | Pakistan, Tanzania, United States | | $26,750 |
Amanda Driscoll PhD, MHS | University of Maryland School of Medicine | The effect of azithromycin and microbiome composition on infant rotavirus vaccine immunogenicity | Mali, United States | | $26,750 |
Ana Devesa MD, PhD | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | CHIldren's Lifestyle, Diet, and exERcise InterventioN (CHILDREN’s Project) | New York | | $26,750 |
Anca Vasiliu MD, MPH, PhD | Baylor College of Medicine | Performance of computer aided detection for tuberculosis diagnosis in children living with HIV | Papua New Guinea, United States | | $26,750 |
Anders Asp PhD | Mayo Clinic | Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation to Improve Lower Limb Function in Children with Spina Bifida | Minnesota | | $26,750 |
Andrea Beaton MD | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Reducing New Cases of Rheumatic Heart Disease through a Community Streptococcal Treatment Program | Uganda, United States | | $450,000 |
Andrea Beaton MD | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | A Long-Term Follow-up Study for Patients Who Participated in the GOAL Trial (GOAL-Post) | Uganda, United States | | $430,000 |
Andrew Hale MD, PhD | University of Cape Town | Cerebral Organoids as a Model to Understand Genetic and Acquired Hydrocephalus | South Africa, United States | | $26,750 |
Andrew Prendergast MBBS, MRCPCH, DTM&H, DPhil | Zvitambo Institute for Maternal & Child Health Research | The impact of antenatal antibiotics on child neurodevelopment and growth in rural Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | | $453,177 |
Angelique Boutzoukas MD | Duke University | Duration of Post-Discontinuation Antibiotic Exposures in Premature Infants and Associated Outcomes | North Carolina | | $26,750 |
Anne Chang MBBS, MPHTM, PhD, FRACP, FASPR | Queensland University of Technology | Improving outcomes for children with bronchiectasis: a multicenter RCT using a novel mucolytic | Australia, Malaysia, Philippines | | $367,366 |
Anne Chang MBBS, MPHTM, PhD, FRACP, FASPR | Menzies School of Health Research | Preventing bronchiectasis in children: a multicenter RCT and cohort study | Australia, Guatemala, Malaysia, Philippines | | $498,823 |
Anthony Hsieh PhD | University of Oxford | Establishing the association between cytomegalovirus viremia and immune aging in Zimbabwean children | United Kingdom, Zimbabwe | | $26,744 |
Anup Katheria MD | Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns | 2 year Neurodevelopmental outcomes in Premature Infants receiving Milking or Delayed Cord Clamping | Canada, Germany, Ireland, United States | | $531,788 |
Arman Avesta MD, PhD | Massachusetts General Hospital | Clinical Integration of Fetal Brain MRI Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction to Improve Anomaly Detection | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Aviad Rabinowich MD | Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center | Quantitative MRI Anthropometric Analysis for Growth Restriction Perinatal Outcome Prediction | Israel | | $24,610 |
Benjamin Fensterheim MD, PhD | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Longitudinal Immune Profiling of Preterm Infants | Pennsylvania | | $26,750 |
Benjamin Rader PhD, MPH | Boston Children's Hospital | Leveraging digital surveillance to identify gaps and inequities in Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccination | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Blair Armistead PhD, MPH | Seattle Children's Hospital | Elucidating a novel respiratory-mammary axis of T cell immunity | Washington | | $26,750 |
Brett Manley MBBS, PhD | Murdoch Children's Research Institute | Neurodevelopment at 2 years of extremely preterm infants who received early intratracheal budesonide | Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore | | $534,370 |
Brian Kavanaugh PsyD | E. P. Bradley Hospital | rTMS and executive functioning training for working memory deficits in adolescent psychopathology | Rhode Island | | $26,750 |
Brittany Kmush PhD | Syracuse University | A Phase II, Randomized, Observer-blinded, Placebo Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of Hecolin® in Healthy Pregnant Women between Gestational Age 14-34 weeks and Non-Pregnant Women of 16-45 years old | Pakistan, South Korea, United States | | $499,992 |
Brittni Smith PhD | Thrasher Research Fund | Import test 1 | | | $0 |
Brittni Smith PhD | Thrasher Research Fund | Brittni's Test Project | Utah | | $400,000 |
Brittni Smith PhD | Thrasher Research Fund | Test Project | | | $0 |
Caitlin Williams PhD | Weill Cornell Medicine | Maternal Interference of Infant SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination | New York | | $26,750 |
Cara Ebbeling PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | Effects of Whole vs. Non-fat Milk Consumption on Body Composition in Children: a 1-Year RCT | Massachusetts | | $535,465 |
Caroline van Gemert PhD, MAppEpi, MPH | Burnet Institute | Expanding use of tenofovir to prevent mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B in Vanuatu | Australia, Vanuatu | | $292,355 |
Catherine Oldenburg ScD, MPH | University of California, San Francisco | Mothers Applying MUAC screening for Acute Malnutrition (MAMAN) Trial | Burkina Faso, United States | | $293,713 |
Catherine Satzke PhD | Murdoch Children's Research Institute | On target, On time: improved diagnostics for childhood complicated pneumonia in Asia | Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand | | $420,000 |
Charlotte Woods-Hill MD | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Using implementation science to reduce pediatric mortality at Botswana’s national referral hospital | Botswana, United States | | $26,750 |
Christina Hanna MD, MPH, MSCE | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Establishing a Registry & Assessing Treatment Abandonment in South African Pediatric Cancer Patients | South Africa, United States | | $26,750 |
Christine McDonald ScD, MSC | University of California, San Francisco | The effects of multiply-fortified salt on the micronutrient status of preschool-aged children in Punjab, India | India, United States | | $474,647 |
Daiana Drehmer PhD | Johns Hopkins University | Role of HIF-1α signaling in Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome | Maryland | | $26,750 |
Daniel Erchick PhD, MPH | Johns Hopkins University | Fortified Balanced Energy Protein Supplementation in Pregnancy & Infant Growth and Neurodevelopment | Nepal, United States | | $399,611 |
Daniel Leung MD, MSc | University of Utah | Developing a pediatric cholera rapid diagnostic testing routine in low- and middle-income countries | Bangladesh, United States | | $26,750 |
Daniel Park PhD, MSPH | George Washington University | Quantifying the role of zoonotic transmission of E. coli in pediatric sepsis in Nigeria | Nigeria, United States | | $26,750 |
David Blauvelt MD | Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware | An Anticoagulation-Free Oxygenator for an Artificial Placenta | | | $26,750 |
David Chaima BSc, MSc, PhD | Kamuzu University of Health Sciences | Impact of helminth and Giardia infections on antibody immune responses to oral vaccines in children | Malawi | | $26,696 |
Deepak Kumar PhD | Baylor College of Medicine | SARS-CoV-2 Infection During Pregnancy: Reprogramming of Lipid Metabolism and impact on Fetal Growth | Texas | | $26,750 |
Dorine Borensztajn MD, MSc, PhD | Stichting Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep | Emm Typing of iGAS in Children: Linking Strain Variability to Disease Severity and Outcomes | Netherlands | | $26,750 |
Dylan Kain MD | Oregon Health & Science University | Mucosal invariant T cells and their memory potential – how they may be crucial in future tuberculosis vaccine development | Oregon | | $26,750 |
Elizabeth Ryan PhD | Colorado State University | Rice bran-based supplemental foods for the treatment and prevention of malnutrition in Indonesia | France, Indonesia, United States | | $400,000 |
Elizabeth Stenger MD, MSc | Emory University | Acute GVHD Suppression using Costimulation Blockade to Expand Non-malignant Transplant (ASCENT) | Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York | | $336,355 |
Emily Ahn MD | Weill Cornell Medicine | Decreasing Neonatal Mortality with Interventions Initiated during Labor, at Birth, and the Golden Hour | Tanzania, United States | | $26,750 |
Emily Harris MD | Boston Children's Hospital | Developing a Diagnostic Test for Pediatric Immune Cytopenias | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Emöke Deschmann MD, MMSc, PhD | Karolinska Institutet | New markers of bleeding risk among thrombocytopenic preterm neonates | Netherlands, Sweden, United States | | $325,280 |
Eric McCollum MD | Johns Hopkins University | Efficacy of antenatal corticosteroids on the lung function of premature children in Bangladesh | Bangladesh, United States | | $477,783 |
Eric McCollum MD | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine | Evaluating novel pediatric pulse oximeters for outpatient child pneumonia care in sub-Saharan Africa | South Africa, United States | | $450,000 |
Faith Goronga MD, MPH, MS | University of California, San Francisco | Maternal, perinatal, and neonatal risks for neurodevelopmental impairment in a Zimbabwean cohort | United States, Zimbabwe | | $26,750 |
Felix Richter MD, PhD | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Multimodal Seizure Monitoring in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | New York | | $26,750 |
Gary Darmstadt MD, MS | Stanford University | Emollient Therapy for Improved Survival and Growth of Very Low Birth Weight Infants in Zimbabwe | United States, Zimbabwe | | $525,870 |
Grace Androga PhD | University of Ibadan | A rapid CRISPR-Cas9 based method for detection of multi-drug resistant blood infections in Nigeria | Nigeria | | $24,878 |
Gregory Valentine MD, MEd, FAAP | University of Washington | Prevention of Developmental Delay and Xylitol Study | Malawi, United States | | $429,451 |
Gretchen Bandoli PhD, MPH | University of California, San Diego | Comparative effectiveness of antihypertensive medication use strategies in pregnancy | California | | $26,750 |
H. Pascaline Kohio PhD | Washington University in St. Louis | Inhibition of the RalGAP protein complex as a novel approach to broadly block enteric infections | Missouri | | $26,750 |
Haerin Chung PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | Characterizing the trajectory of functional brain network subtypes for language outcomes in ASD | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Heather Zar MBBCh, PhD | University of Cape Town | Evaluating the Accuracy of AI-powered Paediatric TB Diagnostic Pathway: A two-staged study | Pakistan, South Africa | | $549,998 |
Helen Pitchik PhD, MSc | University of California, Berkeley | Effect of multi-component early child development intervention on school-aged outcomes | Bangladesh, United States | | $26,723 |
Henry Foote MD | Duke University | Artificial intelligence detection of pediatric heart transplant rejection from echocardiograms | North Carolina | | $26,561 |
Holger Unger MBChB, DTM&H, MSc, PhD | Menzies School of Health Research | A novel prenatal malaria intervention to prevent malaria and ill-health in infancy (SAPOT-I) | Australia, Papua New Guinea | | $546,285 |
Itamar Nitzan MD | Shaare Zedek Medical Center | Skincubator - A novel preterm infant incubator for prolonged skin to skin contact | Israel | | $26,750 |
Jan Hau Lee MBBS, MRCPCH, MCI | KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital | Stress Hydrocortisone in Pediatric Septic Shock in Asia (The SHIPSS-Asia trial) | China, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Vietnam | | $399,995 |
Janice Tijssen MD, MSc | London Health Sciences Centre | Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation: Evaluation of IM Epinephrine (The PRIME Trial) | Canada | | $354,072 |
Jason Lang MD, MPH | Duke University | Genotype-tailored treatment of symptomatic acid-reflux in children with uncontrolled asthma | Florida, North Carolina | | $326,441 |
Jennifer Schramm MD | Johns Hopkins University | Machine learning to identify risk factors for the development of necrotizing enterocolitis in children with congenital heart disease | Maryland | | $26,750 |
Jennifer Sequoia MD, PhD | Stanford University | Impact of aspirin on endocannabinoid metabolism in pregnancy and preeclampsia | California | | $26,750 |
Jenny Koo MD | Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns | Hemodynamics of extremely preterm neonates receiving high vs low oxygen during delayed cord clamping | California | | $26,750 |
Jeremy Anderson PhD | Murdoch Children's Research Institute | Identifying biomarkers of severe respiratory syncytial virus disease in preterm infants | Australia | | $26,689 |
Jessie Oldham PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | A Multifaceted Assessment of Post-Concussion Adolescent Startle Response and Injury | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Jo-Anna Baxter PhD | University of Toronto | Effect of maternal supplementation from preconception to lactation on child growth and development | Canada, Pakistan | | $26,750 |
Jonathan Wagner DO, FAAP | Children's Mercy Kansas City | Effects of Pediatric Liver Adiposity on Statin Disposition and Response | Missouri | | $383,281 |
José Clemente PhD | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Intestinal Bifidobacteria in infants at high risk of developing allergies | New York | | $26,750 |
Joshua Mayourian MD, PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | Improving Risk Stratification in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Using Radiomics and Deep Learning | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Julia Dvorkin MD | Fundación Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas | Clinical impact of RSVpreF maternal vaccine in infants of Argentina: An Active Surveillance Study | Argentina | | $26,750 |
Julian Adong MBChB, MMed | Mbarara University of Science & Technology | A family-centered social media intervention to promote antiretroviral therapy adherence among adolescents and young adults with HIV in Uganda (Family U-SMART) | Uganda, United States | | $26,750 |
Julie Herlihy MD, MPH | Boston University | Zambia Infant Cohort Study: Brains Optimized for Surviving and Thriving (ZICS-BOOST) | United States, Zambia | | $543,878 |
Kaitlin Winter PhD | University of British Columbia | Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance Through a Klebsiella Pneumoniae Vaccine | Canada | | $26,750 |
Katharina Pittner PhD | Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Validating pediatric under-the-mattress sleep assessments with ambulatory EEG and actigraphy | Germany | | $26,403 |
Katherine Lawrence PhD | University of Southern California | Predicting ADHD and Depressive Symptom Severity in Youth with ADHD using Reward Brain Activity | California | | $26,602 |
Kattria van der Ploeg PhD | Stanford University | Gestational SARS-CoV-2, inflammation, and impact on infant development in a malaria-endemic setting | Uganda, United States | | $26,750 |
Kevin Kobylinski MS, PhD | MORU Tropical Health Network | Evaluating Pediatric Ivermectin in Children Under 15 kilograms (EPIC-15) | Brazil, Finland, France, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom | | $521,256 |
Kirkby Tickell MBBS, MPH, PhD | University of Washington | A randomized trial of lactoferrin as a gut-friendly pediatric iron source in low-resource settings | Kenya, United States | | $254,056 |
Kirsten Perrett MD | Murdoch Children's Research Institute | Can early introduction of tree nuts prevent tree nut allergy? TreEat: a randomized controlled trial | Australia | | $274,905 |
Kristen Joseph MD | Johns Hopkins University | Oxygen Therapy for Children with Moderate Hypoxemia in Malawi: Pilot Randomized Control Trial | Malawi, United States | | $26,750 |
Kristie Ramos MD | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Serum Amyloid A1 (SAA1) as a Novel Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) | Ohio | | $26,750 |
Krysten North MD, MPH | Brigham & Women's Hospital | Human milk composition and infant neurodevelopment in rural Bangladesh | Bangladesh, United States | | $26,750 |
Lakshmi Ganapathi MBBS | Boston Children's Hospital | Youth Life-Steps: a mobile-phone delivered problem-solving intervention for improving engagement in substance use treatment among young people who inject drugs in India | India, United States | | $26,750 |
Laura Malone MD, PhD | Kennedy Krieger Institute | Analysis of Psychometric Properties of a Novel Pediatric Stroke Motor Impairment Measure (PSMIM) | Maryland | | $26,750 |
Lauren Cohee MD, MS | Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | Preventing malaria in school children to protect the whole community | Malawi, United States | | $543,272 |
Lauren Frazer MD, PhD | UNC School of Medicine | The role of Interleukin-22 signaling and goblet cells during experimental necrotizing enterocolitis | North Carolina | | $26,750 |
Lillian Juttukonda MD, PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | Nasal response to rhinovirus infection in early childhood | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Lindsey Reif DrPH | Weill Cornell Medicine | MAISHA-Youth!: Gender equity and empowerment to prevent violence among adolescents | Tanzania, United States | | $26,750 |
Lorraine Pfavayi DPhil | University of Edinburgh | Determining the feasibility and health impact of integrating pediatric schistosomiasis treatment into the Early Child Development program | United Kingdom, Zimbabwe | | $26,750 |
Manimaran Ramani MD, MPH, MSHA, MSHQS | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Repurposing Intrapartum Azithromycin as a Neuroprotector in Birth Asphyxia | Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, India, Pakistan, United States, Zambia | | $495,075 |
Marilyn Ahun PhD | McGill University | Prevalence and correlates of mental health problems in young (birth-5 years) Ghanaian children | Canada, Ghana | | $2,232 |
Mark Manary MD | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis | Eggs to Eradicate Environmental Enteric Dysfunction | Sierra Leone, United States | | $374,522 |
Mark Murphy DO | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Optimizing Voriconazole Therapy Using Model-Informed Precision Dosing | Ohio | | $14,101 |
Martin Chebet MBChB | University of Bergen | The role of infections in the aetiology of stillbirths in Uganda | Norway, Uganda | | $26,744 |
Melisa Carrasco McCaul MD, PhD | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Predictors of Cognitive Disability and Executive Dysfunction After Acute Symptomatic Neonatal Seizures | Wisconsin | | $26,750 |
Meri Varkila MD | Stanford University | Wastewater-based surveillance for monitoring Respiratory Syncytial Virus circulation | California | | $26,750 |
Michelle Yang MD | University of Utah | A trial of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor in neonatal congenital diaphragmatic hernia (TOP-CDH) | Utah | | $23,107 |
Miriam Osei MD, MPH | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute | Improving knowledge and care for adolescents with sickle cell disease in Tamale, Ghana | Ghana, United States | | $26,750 |
Nandita Perumal PhD MPH | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health | Prenatal antiretroviral therapy initiation and school readiness among HIV-exposed, uninfected children in Tanzania | Tanzania, United States | | $26,750 |
Ngu Abanda PhD | Centre Pasteur in Cameroon | An assessment of humoral and cellular immunity against yellow fever in HIV+ and HIV- children vaccinated during infancy | Cameroon, United States | | $25,000 |
Nicklas Brustad MD, PhD | Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC) | The Effect of Early Life Vitamin D on Child Bone Health – A Personalized Approach | Denmark | | $26,750 |
Nicolas Abreu MD | NYU Grossman School of Medicine | Development of a tool harnessing single-view video for computational gait analysis in toddlers | New York | | $26,750 |
Nicole Stoffel PhD | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) | Malaria and measles vaccine response in Kenyan infants treated for iron deficiency anemia | Kenya, Netherlands, Switzerland | | $498,565 |
Nuttada Panpradist PhD | University of Washington | Development of a point-of-care wearable device for congenital cytomegalovirus screening in newborns | Kenya, United States | | $26,750 |
Olufunke Martin MD | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Unraveling the Link between Biomarkers and Pain Phenotypes in Pediatric SCD | Texas | | $26,750 |
Paul Alain Tagnouokam Ngoupo PhD | Centre Pasteur in Cameroon | Alternative diagnostic markers for HIV in persistently seronegative HIV-infected children put early on cART | Cameroon, United States | | $26,750 |
Paul Chen PhD | Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard | In vivo prime editing to rescue autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa in pediatric animal models | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Porter Hunt PhD | University of Utah | Optimal Antibiotic Dosing for Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis | Utah | | $26,733 |
Rachel Greenberg MD, MB, MHS | Duke University | Pharmacokinetics of Clonidine Administered in the Infant Population | North Carolina | | $26,750 |
Ravi Upadhyay MD | Society for Applied Studies | Multi-domain interventions from preconception to early childhood and neurodevelopment at 4-6 years | India | | $419,536 |
Richard Derman MD, MPH | Thomas Jefferson University | Neurodevelopmental Follow-up of Children whose Mothers Participated in the ASPIRIN Study | Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, India, Pakistan, United States, Zambia | | $480,000 |
Rina Bao PhD | Boston Children's Hospital | Development of neuroimaging biomarkers for 2-year neurocognitive outcomes in mild neonatal brain injury | Massachusetts | | $26,750 |
Robinder Khemani MD | Children's Hospital Los Angeles | The Effect of Intensive Care unit therapies on long-term outcome for children with Pediatric ARDS | California | | $272,526 |
Rose McGready MD, PhD | University of Oxford | Neonatal and infant exposures to tafenoquine and primaquine during treatment in lactating women | Thailand, United Kingdom | | $245,791 |
Ross England MD, PhD | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Evaluating mRNA-lipid nanoparticle and adjuvants in a measles maternal antibody model | Pennsylvania | | $26,750 |
Ruben Colman MD, MS | Stanford University | Leveraging Molecular Discovery to Guide Precision Dosing for Children with Crohn’s Disease | California | | $26,750 |
Rupsa Boelig MD | Thomas Jefferson University | Azithromycin Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Pregnancy and Preterm Birth Prevention: Optimizing dosing to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes | Pennsylvania | | $26,750 |
Sara Neches MD, FAAP | University of Washington | Assessment of the impact of gestational xylitol exposure on early neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants | Malawi, United States | | $25,328 |
Sarah Boudova MD, PhD | Thomas Jefferson University Hospital | The effect of maternal iron status during pregnancy on the potential for malaria transmission | Ghana, United States | | $26,750 |
Sarah Cusick PhD | University of Minnesota | Supplemental choline to prevent and treat learning and memory deficits of early iron deficiency | Uganda, United States | | $549,945 |
Sathi Wijeyesinghe MD, PhD | Baylor College of Medicine | Defining immune networks that underlie pediatric asthma exacerbated by rhinovirus infection | Texas | | $26,750 |
Sesh Sundararaman MD, PhD | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Establishing the role of erythrocyte glycolysis in the Plasmodium falciparum lifecycle | Pennsylvania | | $26,750 |
Shruti Mondkar MD, PDCC | Hirabai Cowasji Jehangir Medical Research Institute (HCJMRI) | Validation study of the newly designed Indian Pediatric Advanced Life Support tape | India | | $26,750 |
Sonia Bonifacio MD, FAAP | Stanford University School of Medicine | TIME Study: An RCT of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Infants with Mild Encephalopathy in California | California | | $372,711 |
Stephanie Fisher MD, MPH | Northwestern University | Metabolomic signatures associated with SDoH, preterm birth, and small-for-gestational age (MAPS) | Illinois | | $26,750 |
Stephen Luby MD | Stanford University | Identifying the most significant contributors to child blood lead levels in Dhaka, Bangladesh | Bangladesh, United States | | $348,273 |
Stephen Luby MD | Stanford University | Quantifying the True Burden of Pediatric Typhoidal Salmonella in Dhaka, Bangladesh | Bangladesh, United States | | $360,300 |
Stephen Ray MBcHB, MPhil, MRCPCH, DTM&H, MRes, PhD | University of Oxford | Metagenomic and Phage sequencing for infectious and autoimmune diagnosis of febrile coma in Malawian children | United Kingdom, United States | | $24,829 |
Stuart Goldstein MD | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Pharmacokinetics of Cefepime in Children receiving Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy | Ohio | | $26,750 |
Sudhin Thayyil MD, DCH, FRCPCH, PhD | Imperial College London | Erythropoietin Monotherapy for Neonatal Encephalopathy in Low and Middle-income Countries (EMBRACE Trial) | Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States | | $349,500 |
Susanne Martin Herz MD, PhD | University of California, San Francisco | Validation of Neurodevelopmental Assessments for Early Identification of High Risk Infants in LMIC | United States, Zimbabwe | | $504,375 |
Sweta Patel MD | Duke University | The effect of household air pollution on the health outcomes of infants in Botswana | Botswana, United States | | $26,750 |
Tina Slusher MD | Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute | Bubble NCPAP vs. Bubble NIPPV for Preterm Infants in Respiratory Distress | India, Nigeria, United States | | $26,750 |
Tobias Strunk MD, PhD, FRACP | University of Western Australia | Topical coconut oil to prevent late-onset sepsis in extremely preterm infants: a cluster-randomized clinical trial | Australia | | $363,010 |
Trevor Davis MD | Washington University in St. Louis | Improving Diagnostic Precision for Esophageal Disorders with Pediatric-Specific Manometry Thresholds | Missouri | | $26,750 |
Unmesha Roy Paladhi PhD, MPH | Brown University | Improving methods to measure milk volume intake among breastfeeding, small and vulnerable newborns | Ethiopia, United States | | $26,749 |
Walter Chen MD, PhD | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Investigation of uncharacterized human proteins associated with metabolic organelles | Texas | | $26,750 |
Wenqiao He PhD | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Molecular characterization of Plasmodium ovale curtisi and Plasmodium ovale wallikeri in the DRC | Congo, United States | | $26,750 |
William Johnston MD | University of Pennsylvania | In utero gene editing in a murine model of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa | Pennsylvania | | $26,750 |
Yashar Kiarashi PhD | Emory University | Enhancing Behavioral Understandings and Interventions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder using Artificial Intelligence | Georgia, New York | | $26,576 |
Yvonne Goh PhD | University of Ghana | A novel method for measuring zinc status in Indian children using nail clippings | Canada, Ghana, India, United States | | $26,750 |
Zeenat Gaibee MBChB, FCPaeds, MMED | The Hospital for Sick Children | Monogenic Intestinal Disease in Africa | Canada, South Africa | | $26,750 |
Zheyi Teoh MBBS, MsPH | Seattle Children's Research Institute | Investigating the molecular epidemiology of human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) in pediatric solid organ transplant candidates | Washington | | $26,750 |
Zubair Aghai MD | Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware | Randomized clinical trial of umbilical cord milking compared to early cord clamping in preterm infants who are non-vigorous at birth | India, United States | | $528,037 |