Thrasher Research Fund - Medical research grants to improve the lives of children

Project Details

Early Career

Status: Funded - Open

Leveraging Molecular Discovery to Guide Precision Dosing for Children with Crohn’s Disease

Ruben Colman, MD, MS


BACKGROUND: Crohn’s disease is a chronic progressive disease that can affect any part of the GI gastrointestinal tract. There is only one drug class (anti-TNF therapy) that is approved to treat children with Crohn’s disease, and if it is not used correctly it can result in irreversible disease complications. GAP: There is a high unexplained variability in drug response and drug clearance for anti-TNF therapy. This results in a high rate of drug failure and limited drug durability in this population. HYPOTHESIS: I hypothesize that the incorporation of novel microbes and metabolites into conventional monitoring strategies is superior to conventional monitoring alone in predicting endoscopic healing after anti-TNF therapy. METHODS: This is an analysis of a multicenter prospective cohort study in which we collected biosamples (blood, stool and intestinal biopsies) from children with Crohn’s disease who are starting anti- TNF therapy. We will analyze the relationship between microbiome and metabolome signatures and pharmacologic factors among these subjects. RESULTS: Pending. IMPACT: Novel biomarker signatures identified in this project can be prospectively used to help guide dosing decisions among patients with Crohn’s disease to prevent early drug failure and disease complications.

Supervising Institution:
Stanford University

Michael Rosen

Project Location:

Award Amount: